Sunday, December 30, 2012

# a report : holiday with family

Heyho, everyone ! ive been spending my holiday with my family. Yeah yeah I know that my family has a good time with distances. But then, the one I like about my family is because our distances.

Well, my father works in sudan. I don’t know why he chose sudan. I don’t even know why he often works in many countries. But he gave me the main idea of adventure-ing this world. Like, this is a big world, and i’ll be blessed if I get to go around the world ( not in 80 days hehe).

Then theres my brother, abang. Abang still studies at Malaysia, at MMU university. He take a business thing for his bachelor. I adore him okay, especially his style! Hehe. The thing about my brother is, I know he can be a lot better than he already is. I know someday he will be. Like mch better.

And so heres my mom. Living with me in Indonesia, depok. But even if I live in the same house, sometimes theres time we wont have together ( do you know what I mean?) cause im sometime busy and shes so busy all the time, hehe.

But one thing I like about my family is our distances. We have this limited time to spend together and that makes our time such a precious.

So Im just going to wrap up my holiday and my family in this post.

Yesterday I went to bandung with my family. Yeah, just like in this post. But this time we went with my dad and stayed for two days. Lets just see and skip my unimportant speech.

at a rest area to get lunch

the amazing dad

shopping at riau street

at kafe halaman
the most inspiring mom

Well theres from me and my family, happy holiday !

Ps: do anyone already have plan for new years eve? Cause I don’t want to really celebrate but everyone seems to be celebrating… so how can I sleep when the fireworks making all those noises… haha

Monday, December 17, 2012

# a note: feeling all blue~

i don't know how to text these things

it always come all of sudden.
like how much i miss my friends but can't get any news from them. like even if I'm sad i know sometimes i just didn't answer when i was busy, you know. so i can't force it by myself.

well i hope you all live a happy life, see you soon :)

Sunday, December 16, 2012

# a report : how to make internet a more positive thing @ nufi fair

just earlier today, i went to this talkshow at nufi fair. nurul fikri fair. yes, finally, after those days with studies and try outs... finally a talkshow !

the talkshow was mainly about internet usages, because our generation is the internet generation. it reminded me more about the obligation of making this internet as a tool for dakwah and sharing knowledges.

the first speaker was talking about citizen journalism. ( he showed an official website of vatican city and i thought it was angel & demon's website haha i was watching it last night...) well ternyata banyak banget website citizen journalist. jadi merasa 'terpanggil' hehe capek ya pane bahasa inggris terus.. dikasih tau juga cars membuat article yang rapih dan menarik.. tapi rasanya nggak segampang itu ya.. yaudah lah biasa aja.. ini ditulis deh tips- tips dari sang pembicara :

1. buat bagan biar lebih detail dan terstruktur
2. begin with a story
3. analytical but simple.
4. argumentative with evidences
5. end an article with : a rhetorical question / a controversial sentence

well those are tips, so we really dont have to use all of it at once...

and for the second speaker, he was talking about how to be clever and wise with social media, because as we all know, social media is a big thing revolving in the world. even 2/3 internet usage is meant for social medias. thats why we have to act responsibly. try to give a positive things trough social media, and not a negative one.

and in the end, they told us to make an article about what they were talking. yes I'm doing it now...

thats all i can say ! may all of us can make good deeds for islam and indonesia :) have a good night

# a note : because its been a long time...

hey my bloggy :) how are you doing without me? hehe nggak kerasa ya, its been a month since my last post. kangen juga same blog sendiri...

yah, sebenernya mungkin nggak akan buka internet kalo tadi nggak ada talkshow yang ngomongin internet :') mungkin sudah ditakdirkan :p abis post ini direview ya insyaAllah talkshow nya :)

next announcement is : holiday is coming !! yeaaaay !! i already have somethings to do this holiday! heres some :

1. meet rizkah, intan, fida & rume (from left : tangerine, sumedang, depok & depok)
2. nginep di rumah nenek sama sepupu- sepupu. nenek said that her cucu udah gede jadi jarang nginep lagi di rumah nenek :')
3. spend six days with my family. because my father is going to be here until 24 dec and my brother is going to come this wednesday :) i miss us.


well, i hope i can make those above come true :) really really excited right now :)
have a goodnight, everyone!