Sunday, December 16, 2012

# a report : how to make internet a more positive thing @ nufi fair

just earlier today, i went to this talkshow at nufi fair. nurul fikri fair. yes, finally, after those days with studies and try outs... finally a talkshow !

the talkshow was mainly about internet usages, because our generation is the internet generation. it reminded me more about the obligation of making this internet as a tool for dakwah and sharing knowledges.

the first speaker was talking about citizen journalism. ( he showed an official website of vatican city and i thought it was angel & demon's website haha i was watching it last night...) well ternyata banyak banget website citizen journalist. jadi merasa 'terpanggil' hehe capek ya pane bahasa inggris terus.. dikasih tau juga cars membuat article yang rapih dan menarik.. tapi rasanya nggak segampang itu ya.. yaudah lah biasa aja.. ini ditulis deh tips- tips dari sang pembicara :

1. buat bagan biar lebih detail dan terstruktur
2. begin with a story
3. analytical but simple.
4. argumentative with evidences
5. end an article with : a rhetorical question / a controversial sentence

well those are tips, so we really dont have to use all of it at once...

and for the second speaker, he was talking about how to be clever and wise with social media, because as we all know, social media is a big thing revolving in the world. even 2/3 internet usage is meant for social medias. thats why we have to act responsibly. try to give a positive things trough social media, and not a negative one.

and in the end, they told us to make an article about what they were talking. yes I'm doing it now...

thats all i can say ! may all of us can make good deeds for islam and indonesia :) have a good night

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