Monday, April 23, 2012

daddy's little girl

life is wonderful because you know its limited.
just like these days when my dad come to indonesia, i cant seem to figure out what to do with him.
until the last day when he has to fly to other country.

which is tomorrow at 00.10 am.

so i had spend today with my dad.

heres the journal :

first we woke up in late morning and ate breakfast.

after that we took mom to her 'workplace'.

then we went to seven grain for a good cheesecake and some capuchino
go to plaza indonesia AND grand indonesia due to my dads flight, and bought some caramel latte there, it reminded me of riyadh life, and thats the only reason i bought it.

our goal was to find a cupboard that fit my taste so we took a turn to ace hardware and index furnishing

but after a while i knew that i wouldnt find anythimg there, and went to hypermart instead. what i need is not just a price, you know.

well after we ate lunch near ace hardware, which is likely a popular street restaurant, we went to hypermart.

and guess what.

i found my dream-cupboaaaaaard :3

we fastly went to my room and start building it. well, i was just assisting.

aaaaand finished !

the blank.

and the almost fulll :) im sooo so soooo happy! this thing really get me excited !!

i already miss my dad... hope you have good days till the day we'd meet :')

dad, without you, im not me. :)

miss you alreadyyyyyy

okay. i said that twice.

make it three times.

i miss you :')

Sunday, April 22, 2012

my dori

yeah on my last post I literally told you about : dori.

she is my new samsung android, which has come to me in handy :)
or... he?

i dont know, just thought that maybe, this phone would be a good companion for me. it has a lot of application and the camera is well done with 5 megapixels and great effects. know im reconsidering about the dslr thing. because apperantly, my family dont take photos as much as any of others did. so it would be nice to buy something more useful right? im already okay with my dori :3

and theeeen here it comes, my dori has already get her popularity.
i downloaded camera 360. its an app for camera effects. and just like me, my friends has come to like it too !

heres some photos :
they make dori so precious,

i hope you guys will not mad at me for posting these photos, because its too mainstream to upload on facebook :)

hihihi doriiiiiiii :3

Tuesday, April 10, 2012

thanks for the laughter

i reaaly am very sorry for neglecting this blog like its not exissst really miss my blog, actually.

so since my last post is dated 21st march, i decided to make another post,
i will just make a really ordinary blog post, telling stories about how ive been busy this time.

this really make me tired, really. but this kinda thing make me feel wonderful too. not having so much time because i have to go here and there and everyone looking at me like "what are you doing ?" and i just have to smile and walk away.

so this scenes have come to my life pretty much because of nufifest. as you may know, its the first external event from my school SMAIT Nurul Fikri. (for information follow @nufifest). well, im not the most busiest person in the world, but i have more to do than before.

as for yesterday, i went to highschools to give an invitation due to our event. i didnt go by myself. i did it with my group. in fact, i tought my group kinda solid since i dont see the others still work as a group as decided. but actually, my group have nothing in common. there are me, bella, reyhan / cipet, and fadhil. but our journey went out as fine, and funny. you know the whole trip, i laughed so much, like really really much, that i nearly went crazy. even when im not in my best mood, i still laughed. its cool, thankyou for the laughter guys.

and in the end, the guys were showing off, so with my low battery dori ( my droid, i have to tell ya later !) bella and i took photos in the car, these are the best photo we have, chill!

yeaaah its a blurrrrr. but it works fine for a sweet memory before 3rd grade and natianal exam come up :)