ini dari judulnya aja udah miris banget ._.
nggak tau udah berapa lama nelantarin blogku tecinta :|
jadi, khusus bulan november internet di rumah nggak jalan. jleb. aktifitas browsing berhenti. dan sekarang lagi di warnet karena kepentingan2 urgent lewat internet. dll. dll.
so, why the first thing i want to write is how close i am with final exam~ yupp countdown from 7 !!
and my homeworks are screaming to be done.
lately ive been doing crazy days. well, first thing first :
alhamdulillah now shofa is a member of pengurus osis SMAIT NF :) hope i can as well make good contibution amin amin :)
yeah, and now im a member of kpmd too. its a community of moslem in depok. we do events to make moslem student more active and have more knowledge about islam and news.
but the highlight is i'm a newbie, theres this and that that i dont understand. i still am learning about things. im not a perfect goody person. im not trying to be perfect, its just im so far from perfect and that i want to be better. so here i am trying to be better on my own. wish me tons of luck :)
and about my primary wish, i want to be closer with Allah. amin :)
hope you have a good day reading mine :D